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Looking for the best places to Whitewater Kayak in and around Nordegg? Below are some great routes, trips and resources to help you Whitewater Kayak in and around Nordegg.

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Diverse is how we would best describe the paddling in this mountain/prairie province. In the west of the province runs are characterized by beautiful backdrops, continuous rivers and cold water. Everything from mellow multi day floats in national parks to hairy class V creeking is available in the west. As you move further east the gradient drops but there are still plentiful paddling options for those looking to float mellow rivers in really unique surroundings. It is a huge province so don't neglect to look north and south too. A very worthwhile paddling destination in it's own right.

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Paddle Junkies

whitewater kayaking club focused on bridging the gap for adult beginner, novice and intermediate kayaking in Calgary and surrounding area

Whitewater Kayak Trips or Routes around Nordegg

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Lower Canyon - Coral Creek to Lake Abraham
Cline River - Level is typically never too low, always navigable due to constricted flow. A short, tight, committing canyon run, beginning at the confluence with Coral Creek. Access, which will take much more time than the run itself, is a hike and a rappel into the canyon, egress is limited to a couple steep scree scambles out of the canyon. After access at Coral Creek on the left you are immediately surrounded by steep walls and over hangs on a calm section of deep water until "Desperadoes", a class III+ -IV+ (IV+ in high flow) drop off slide debris. After this, the canyon opens up briefly with some class II-II+ rapids. River enters first tight canyon through an offset gap which creates strong eddy lines and whirlpools. Stay in your boat here! There is a short, approach through some class III rapids before "Crack in the Wall", a class IV - V (at med to high flows) drop through a gap in a rock fin which will easily hold and circulate a swimmer. At lower flows this gap is a class III+ - IV chute, and less sticky. The remainder of this canyon is 2- 3 meters wide with class II and III rapids near the end and the canyon then opens up again to a gravel bottom and banks. Some class II-III rapids before the river bends right and enters the final and tightest canyon through a 1 meter wide crack, preceded by class III pressure rapids, compounded by wall rebound waves. Personally dubbed, "Final Fit Test" (as yet unnamed, to my knowledge) this is the narrowest point of the run. This canyon remains 1.5 - 2.5 meters wide with lots of boils and a couple more tight class III drops as the river squeezes through the rock walls. River then opens up around a left bend into some lazy whirlpools and is open for the rest of the run to take out. Couple class II standing waves.

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