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Looking for the best places to Touring Kayak in and around Fort Mcmurray? Below are some great routes, trips and resources to help you Touring Kayak in and around Fort Mcmurray.

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Diverse is how we would best describe the paddling in this mountain/prairie province. In the west of the province runs are characterized by beautiful backdrops, continuous rivers and cold water. Everything from mellow multi day floats in national parks to hairy class V creeking is available in the west. As you move further east the gradient drops but there are still plentiful paddling options for those looking to float mellow rivers in really unique surroundings. It is a huge province so don't neglect to look north and south too. A very worthwhile paddling destination in it's own right.

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Paddle Junkies

whitewater kayaking club focused on bridging the gap for adult beginner, novice and intermediate kayaking in Calgary and surrounding area

Touring Kayak Trips or Routes around Fort Mcmurray

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Morimoto Drive
The Snye - The Snye is a great place in Fort McMurray to get out and paddle in town! Easy access from boat launches, or the Snye Point! Flat water with no current. Fed by the Clearwater River, being aware that when leaving the Snye that you are entering the Clearwater River, just a few hundred meters before it joins the Athabasca! This is a body of water that’s a registered area dome, so keep your eyes and ears open for float planes, as well as the seado’s jet skis and boats that launch at the Snye as well!
Maqua Lake Provincial Park
Maqua Lake - Super small lake with perimeter distance of only 2km, so reverse direction and paddle it 2 x or 3x! Be sure to travel into the outlet and take a photo of your watercraft on the beaver dam. A real hidden gem.
off Hwy 956
Long Lake - This is the Long Lake south of Anzac, not to be confused with Long Lake Provincial Park 270km to south. Approximately 7 km paddle around perimeter, with lots of waterfowl including loons and pelicans
Crow Lake Provincial Park
Crow Lake - L shaped lake approximately 14.5 km around perimeter. Province has designated as only able to be used by non-motorized watercraft.
Launch Points 2 & 3 & 4
Gregoire Lake - 22 km paddle around entire lake. North corner is most shallow, so has least motorized boats, and has most wildlife: deer moose, bears, eagles, osprey, pelicans, wide variety of other waterfowl. Lake can experience massive weather changes very quickly, including significant whitecaps. Launch point 4 is a short walk to a good restaurant / bar.

Photos of Fort Mcmurray Trips

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