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Trips and Routes

Wilson Creek 7km
Wilson Creek - The commonly used 7km put-in on Wilson wastes no time at all with all of it's class IV features found in the first 1.5km stretch. Starting from the put-in, expect to find several punchy read n' run ledge rapids amidst continuous boogie water, eventually leading up to a short and mildly busy "straight down the middle" canyon section that despite looking rather rowdy on approach, holds no real surprises. From 5.5km on, expect a much more relaxed affair (see Wilson 5.5km section description).
Wilson Creek 5.5km
Wilson Creek - A recently built put-in trail near km 5.5 on the Wilson Creek FSR now allows for class 3 paddlers the ability to start immediately after the more intimidating rapids upstream. Suitable for both creek and play boats, expect a scenic float with large eddy pools broken up by long, non-technical rapids with the occasional corner surprise amid lush forest scenery.
Wilson Creek 11km
Wilson Creek - The 11km put-in section starts with a nice long warm up leading into a much larger and much busier rapid that ends with a notorious river wide 2.5m high ledge that can only be run right of centre during optimal flows. Just downstream from this ledge is another large and somewhat technical, multi-tiered "S" drop that can either be partially portaged to avoid the entry move, or fully portaged when the exit hole looks rather meaty. After this feature expect nothing but low stress boogie water amidst some glorious canyon walls opening up to lush forest scenery till you reach the start of the 7km section (see Wilson 7km and 5.5km sections for more info).

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