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Trips and Routes

Numa Falls to Floe Creek
Vermillion River - This is a great low volume river in an excellent spot and is certainly worth a trip, if not a stop on the way to another western slope river. The crux of the paddle is the first 500 metres below Numa Falls. Numa Falls has been run but is pretty staunch! At the put in the canyon is tight and the water pushes over a number of ledges before spitting out in a wider, tree lined, valley. The largest feature is a river wide v shaped ledge about 400 metres from the put in, this might go at III during high flows, probably II+ at lower flows. There isn’t any great way to scope the canyon section so if there is a lot of wood, or your tentative to run the canyon section I probably would try and find an alternative entrance (probably about 500m further down the access trail). After the canyon section, the river widens out and meanders through a scenic valley, occasionally entering areas of wide gravel flats. These sections are prone to collect wood, so keep an eye open. There are a couple of small, partial river wide, ledges and some bigger waves in these sections however most things could be avoided if necessary. After Floe creek enters the Vermilion, the river tightens up enters a smaller canyon again. In this section there may be some ledges during low water, however at higher flows big waves are the only challenge. Apparently a lower levels there may be some substantial undercut ledges so be aware. At the end of the canyon is the take out bridge.

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