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Trips and Routes

Mountain Aire to Cache Hill
Red Deer River - A fun run full of lots of play and excitement for an intermediate paddler. The Red Deer can be described as a pool drop river, in that it has a number of distinct rapids separated by extended sections of float. Thus while several of the drops can be class III, bank scouting and portaging is easy and there's always ample time to recover from swims.
Coal Camp
Red Deer River - Fantastic introduction to class 3 trip. Lots of fun waves and a few cool ledges, interspersed with wide braided and bolder rapids.
Content Bridge to Bleriot Ferry
Red Deer River - The Red Deer rivers headwaters are in the Sawback Range within the Rocky Mountains, Canada, it meanders down the mountains running providing some entertaining white water, finally slowing down at Glennifer lake where it flows over the Dickson damn. It continues to meander through its namesake town of Red Deer, continuing south through the beautiful badlands area of Alberta, continuing to the confluence with the South Saskatchewan River. For this trip I started at the Content bridge, taking four days to fish and paddle my way down part of the southern half of this scenic river. Ending up just north of the town of Drumheller, deciding to take out at he Bleriot Ferry campground. The river was slightly higher then normal for the early June trip, due to a rainstorm that came through a few days prior. The first day was fast, covering 29km in just under 6 hours, making camp at the Trenville park Campground, the river is narrower at this point and the water was flowing faster on this stretch. Be cautious for sweepers and log jams, I was forced into the shallows once on a fast corner. There is also a small set of easy rapids I encountered (the only set of rapids I encountered), about sixteen downriver, its called the Backbone rifle. Stay to the left channel and paddle hard and you should come out unscathed. Beaching on the adjacent island and scouting is always recommended. I was lucky enough to catch a few walleyes, some goldeye and a sauger on my first day! The river widened and slowed after the first day, making my through Dry Island Buffalo Jump, and camping for the evening by the Toleman bridge. The scenery is gorgeous, the fishing was decent, and the weather was perfect! Couldn’t ask for anything better.. The third day was like the second, making my way downriver and camping close to the Starland campground by the Morin Bridge The last day was my shortest paddling day, but I made up for it by fishing my way down. Has lots off success with Goldeye on this last day, but not much else. My lovely partner came and picked me up the next morning after spending my final night at the Bleriot ferry campground. It was a wonderful tri[, beautiful scenery, and decent fishing. One could extend this trip by another week or more if they continued south towards Drumheller, dinosaur provincial park, and beyond into Saskatchewan. It’s a easy trip for novices, and fun trip for the experienced alike.
Knock Out Waterfall to YaHa Tinda
Red Deer River - We hiked (over 2 days) to the uppermost point on the Red Deer River that can be paddled without portaging, which is an unnamed, unmarked waterfall about 31 km from the trailhead. The trail was quite poor or nonexistent in some sections inside the Banff Park boundary (lots of deadfall, knee deep flooding, or no trail at all in some places). We paddled out in a day on June 26, 2020. There are 3 class III headwalls above the Cascade Trail bridge, another class III headwall right at the Cascade Trail bridge, and one more class III headwall a little downstream of the bridge. Just outside the Banff National Park boundary there are two class III rapids. There are class II rapids and strainers throughout the run.
McKenzie Crossing to Bleriot Ferry
Red Deer River - A beautiful and relaxing 3-day float on May long weekend 2022. Appx 62km paddled between McKenzie Crossing and Bleriot Ferry. Beginner friendly and family friendly as well. Small class 1 rapids and some rock dodging required in sections. Strong headwinds common and very flat sections around Tolman bridge and Bleriot Ferry. Suitable for kayaking, canoeing or float rafting. Very popular with other groups so expect some competition for the best camp spots. Very slow and low flow that weekend, kissing the bottom in the shallows in several spots. Variety of random camping spots available on the shores and low bluffs above the river. Route travels through private grazing/ranching and farmland as well as Dry Island buffalo jump provincial site (no random camping in the provincial park).
Starland Launch to Bleriot Ferry
Red Deer River - This section of the Red Deer River was very calm, slow moving (late-July 2024) making it a family friendly trip that can be navigated with any vessel, we chose SUP. There were many places you could camp or rest along the way. Scenery was nice and nothing but the sounds of nature once we were far enough from the Morrin Bridge. Trip started at Starland Boat Launch and ended on the east side of Bleriot Ferry. Total 9.75km, just under 2 hours moving time, average speed of 5 km/h, we casually paddled most of the way otherwise it would have been 3 - 4 hours. Watch for shallow areas, fins touched here and there.

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