Petawawa River - A short, easy access run packed with premium whitewater. Spring flows make this run beefy class IV, while summer low water brings to mellow II with the major drops at class III. Great play options at medium to high levels. Host to the Hell or High Water race every May.
Petawawa River - A gentle, scenic float, ideal for a mellow summer day, kids, or those learning whitewater. In high water this can also be a warm up for the Town Section as it continues into Railroad Rapid.
Petawawa River - One of Canada's classic wilderness whitewater canoe trips. Rapids progress in difficulty from CII to CIV ledge drops, with the final days in continuous CII. Beautiful campsites. It's a classic for good reason.
Petawawa River - During bug season, this trip has been called the "Bugawawa". But this is a very good intro to whitewater canoeing and camping in the summer.
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