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Trips and Routes

Bottom Moose
Moose River - Paddlers should have Class 4 skills if they want to have fun on the Bottom Moose at normal and Class 5 at higher flows. Releases occur on weekends in October and April-May.
Middle Moose: McKeever to Rock Island (McKeever to Iron Bridge)
Moose River - This 3-mile stretch of Moose River runs parallel with Moose River Road from the Gauge Station to the Iron Bridge. This is a great summer stretch for new boaters
Lower: Rock Island to Fowlersville
Moose River - The normal putin is at Rock Island, off Moose River Road, about three miles West of Rte. 28. The takeout is at Fowlerville Road, the normal putin for the Bottom Moose. To get to the takeout from the putin, continue West on Moose River Road for about 4 miles.

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