Maligne River - A fun canyon run that can be done after work or even during a lunch break if you hustle. The rapids are all scoutable on the hike upstream. Be prepared for an audience as this is a popular tourist destination. There are 4 main rapids:
Turbobooster(III+/IV): The lowest of the rapids. It is barely visible from the trail through the trees. Hike down to the river from the trail for a closer look.
Two Timer(Double Drop)(IV): Just above Turbo-booster consists of 2 holes. Most go left at the first and right at the second.
Ledge drop(Fourth Bridge Drop)(III): Easily viewable from the trail. A ~1.5m ledge drop. Pick a line.
The Sickle(V): Most difficult of the rapids. It is upstream from a small canyon and a boulder garden. At medium flows the large hole in the middle of this rapid gets sticky. Most try to punch it on the left. Pick a line in the boulder garden around the corner.