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Trips and Routes

Widowmaker to 40 Boat Eddy
Kananaskis River - This is a natural river with a number of man made features and rapids. The run itself is only a few kilometers long but packs in a bunch of fun paddling and playboating. The rapids of note on the run are (in order of appearance): Widowmaker (III); Hollywood Hole (a fun Class II+ play feature); Thunder Bunny (Class II play wave); Point Break (Class III rapid with a trashy surf wave / hole at the bottom); Santa Claws (Class III wave that is the best 'big' surf wave on the run); Surfers Wave (Class III, big glassy wave that you can surf forever in longer boats); Racecourse (Class III, it is pretty long and continuous and is a national slalom course. Definitely the most challenging part of the run) and Chubbies (Class II+ play hole just above the takeout. This is a great little play hole that is fantastcis for pros and beginner freestyle paddlers alike). The Kan (as it is referred to locally), can be run in playboats, creekboats on SUP's and in rafts. There are loads of challenging moves and fun rapids along the way. Freestyle paddlers have a range of options including waves and holes to get their playboat on in.
Canoe Meadows to Seebe Dam
Kananaskis River - A great beginner river run. Lots of large eddies and enough action to scare a novice boater. Be aware of sweepers in the river. There are a few places where the river makes some tight corners against rock cliff walls causing wave trains to form against the cliff. These can be either avoided or run at your discretion. Keep in mind beginners may not be able to avoid these wave trains as this is where the current pushes you. S-Bends is perhaps the most difficult rapid and occurs near the end, a low class II. The river makes a few sharp turns causing some constriction and therefore waves. Follow the main current and you will be fine. There are some nice places to picnic along the shore on your way down to Seebee. Great fun in a canoe too.

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