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Trips and Routes

Fraser River - The classic run on the Fraser River. This run ends at Overlander Falls where you have the choice of running the falls or portaging. From there you may hike out from the falls view point or continue down the Fraser Canyon(V). The Upper Fraser starts out with a bang at the Outhouse Rapid where the river takes a sharp right below the railway and carries on through some boogie water to a sticky hole on river right that extends ~2/3 of the way across the flow. It then briefly mellows before entering Eric's Hole, a grade V stopper hole on the left with several cheat lines to the right. Following this is relatively non-stop action depending on the level. Most of the river is read and run but if you have doubts get out and take a look. The run ends at Overlander Falls. You'll hear it coming and see the horizon line as the river sneaks left. Eddie right and scout it or portage. At lower water the class IV rapids are very distinct with time to thoroughly boat scout or find a spot to stop without too much push. As the water level gets higher the class IV rapids turn into solid pushy grade IV interspersed with class IV+.
Fraser River - A pool drop grade V run, most of it is read and run depending on your skill and comfort. From the takeout hike along the river right trail to scout. In the first canyon below the falls there are many lines to choose but left is the safe route as there are a couple of benign looking keepers. Once you clear the first canyon the river opens up at Wonder Garden where you can go either left or right(watch for the large boulder seive in the right channel). As you enter the second canyon there are several rapids with some boogie water, holes and crashing waves before the river makes a broad left turn and straightens out for a bit of grade III that ends in a horizon line that is Fords Folly leading right into Terminator. Eddie left to scout. Terminator is the crux rapid of the run which is a green ramp leading into a hole that can be seen from Hargreaves bridge. After Terminator comes House Rock and the pool at the take-out
Raft Run
Fraser River - A super fun class III run with an often portaged rapid at rearguard falls. Lots of wave trains, holes and other medium volume river features to contend with. As the water gets higher it definitely becomes more continuous and challenging.

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