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Trips and Routes

Gilman Gorge
Eagle River - Gilman Gorge is not just another canyon run. Hitting the Halfway point of this 4 mile run is instantly a look into the past as you are surrounded by the Super Fund Site of the abandoned Gilman mine operation. The first half of this run is read and run Class 3/4 with lots of holes to punch and slaps from laterals that seem to be foreplay to a fight. There are 2 Rapids in this run that are worthy of a scout on your first time. Fall Creek and Slurry Pipe(both of which are past the mine site/halfway point. However if you have a local leading you or group that has multiple laps follow them, it all goes somewhere between 4+ and 5- or what I call Class Fun.
Eaglehead Lake to Dease River
Eagle River - A fly-in Class 2-3 Adventure with 2 canyons- 1 that has a manky Falls entrance that is best portaged around. Best done in about 9-12 Days. Beautiful scenery, good whitewater and good hiking! A very cost effective trip as far as fly in trips go- The put in is only 45km from Dease Lake.

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