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Trips and Routes

Dore River - The Dore is an extremely continuous run. Right from the start paddlers are into a constant wave train with tonnes of fun waves and holes to crash through and dodge. Wood is an issue and boaters should be comfortable making fast lateral moves in very pushy water to avoid sweepers and strainers. A very solid roll in class IV whitewater is recommended. A swim would be long and unpleasant. Eddies are few and far between and not always where you want them.
South Fork
Dore River - A bouncy continuous run that rips through a beautiful scenic valley. This run is fed by glacier melt and is a long run. There are many logs across this river due to logging and avalanches so keep an eye out and watch out for blind corners. This run builds continuously in intensity until you reach the class V crux rapid, on a left hand turn approximately half way down the run.After this rapid the river gradually eases untill the take out.

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