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Trips and Routes

Streetsville to Erindale Park
Credit River - Nice Class II run with some play waves. Spring run-off or rain dependent. No maximum levels but features wash out above 5.2 on the gauge, below 4.6 is a scrape. Most waves are hit-on-the-fly and Class II rating is mainly due to water temps.
Belfountain Section
Credit River - This section after a good rain presents many challenging routes for the intermediate advanced kayaker with a necessary quick roll. Scouting in second part is highly recommended for wood/ice hazards.
Middle Credit Inglewood to Cheltenham
Credit River - From Inglewood to Cheltenham the current is steady but the river winds a lot. When other sections of the Credit have all but dried up, this one usually has at least some water left to push through without too much scrapping. Wood hazards produce good obstacles without extreme dangers. The dam near Boston Mills is the only real hazard of note otherwise that can be a good learning play spot. There is a concrete crevasse in this location that can be dangerous and has taken out some standard canoes. Above the dam on River Right is also hazardous because of the whirlpool to nowhere under the dam.
Glen Williams Play spot
Credit River - There are a couple ledges that form interesting waves at higher water levels. Enjoy.
Cataract Section to Beyond Brimstone
Credit River - Seldom run but there is a very cool rapid to run just below the unrunnable drop. The portage around Cataract falls is kind of a pain but the rapids below is what you are coming for. Some zig zag fun that should be checked for wood before attempting. Everything else beyond this is pretty much a float trip with some trees requiring hoping over..

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