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Trips and Routes

Chilliwack River - A semi-short, fun section of Class III/IV whitewater not far from Chilliwack. The run is characterized (at regular flows) by pool drop rapids made up of ledges, rocks and holes. At higher flows the river becomes a lot more sustained and has a much more powerful feel to it.
Sleese to Tamahi Rapids
Chilliwack River - A nice year round grade III run. The run ends with the Tamihi slalom curse which is grade IV at some levels but easily portaged if desired.
Slesse Creek to Tamihi
Chilliwack River - A pretty continuous run with the odd slow moving section here and there. At lower water levels most of the rapids are gradient drops with a mix of boulders, waves and holes. As the river rises the rapids fill in and it gets a bigger water feel. The full run from Slesse to Tamihi would be a lot as a first Class III run, it is busy enough and shallow enough that some Class III experience would be a plus.

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