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Chehalis/Statlu Confluence to bridge AKA Classic
Chehalis River - This section of the Chehalis is a Fraser valley classic, although it may not get paddled as often as others in the valley it is considered to one of the most scenic and is a great paddle at many levels. While the Chehalis is predominantly class III the lead in paddle down the Statlu has some class IV and both are considered class IV at high water. There is a Trail down to the Chehalis just above the confluence however most people choose to paddle the Statlu as the approach and some choose to portage the hardest rapids rather than walk in. At lower levels the Statlu presently a more creeking style paddling opportunity, however when it combines with the Chehalis things defiantly change to a more wide open river run. Add more water and both will start approaching a big water feel, paddle it in flood and you will get a good dose of big wave trains and large but easily avoidable holes. However at all levels the river gives a few good surfing opportunities, so don't discount taking a boat that can play!

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