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Trips and Routes

Smallboy Camp to Ford
Brazeau River - The river cuts its way through a steep banked valley producing many surfwaves and grade II-III features in the sharp corners and over rock ledges. Additional features are created by boulders and ledges that constrict the flow. The valley is very scenic with consistent gradient and features through the first half of the run, it then mellows as the river valley opens up the rest of the way to the old ford. At the right flows the Brazeau river quite likely offers the best playboating in the area with numerous friendly surfable features.
Upper Brazeau River
Brazeau River - An epic multi-day experience along the boarders of Jasper and Banff national park through remote backcountry wilderness earned via fifteen km hike-in. Moments of scenic bliss are interrupted by numerous canyons containing excellent whitewater and waterfalls. This is in a national park so book in advance (for more info. see notes). Due to the nature of the canyons, if your trip experiences higher flows chances are you will be adding some extra walking to your trip with arduous portages. This trip, although rewarding, is a serious undertaking. Use best judgement based on the ability level of your TEAM.
Forestry trunk road (Brazeau River camp ground)
Brazeau River - 110 km. Starting at the campground take out at the Brazeau Dam day use area boat launch. Continuous big waves and pushy corners. Class 2-3 Finishing with a canyon, water falls and hoodoos @ ~20km. River then becomes braided with complex channels, blind corners and midstream obstacles lasting ~40 km. River continues to be braided but less challenging as it slows and enters the reservoir. Long paddle across the lake to the boat launch.

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