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Trips and Routes

Crescent Falls to Highway
Bighorn River - This is a waterfall packed river. Portaging is difficult so be prepared to run waterfalls. There are 6 waterfalls in total on this run, 5 of which have been run. The first waterfall is Crescent falls which has not been run. The second waterfall is Curtain Call a 50ft falls which has been run. It is possible to put in above or below Curtain Call in either case you need to scramble down a sketchy steep embankment into the canyon. You may need to lower a few boats over a cliff band. The run begins with some Class II-III stuff and you soon reach the 3rd waterfall, Particle Accelerator. Particle Accelerator is a Class V drop watch out for the hole at the end and the room of doom on river left. Portage is possible on river left. Right around the corner is the fourth waterfall Schoolhouse Ledge a relatively straightforward 10ft boof. A few hundred meters downstream of here is the fifth waterfall, Freefall 25ft-30ft. The 6th and last waterfall, Final Analysis, is a little ways downstream and you have a tiny bit of breathing room before you hit it. Final Analysis is about 15ft, make sure you scout it as partway down the drop there is a ledge that sticks out. From here the run becomes Class II-III stuff all the way to the end.

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