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kids in kayaks! a beginner river program aimed at younger children (Ages 8-12)



hello there and welcome to the bow valley kayak clubs "Kids in Kayaks" program.

this program is made especially for younger children, aged 8-12, that are very keen to paddle down rivers in what is, probably, the most scenic location in the world that a course like this could be done. 

the goal of this program is to give the participants the bug for river kayaking. over 8 sessions we take small steps in controlled environments to ensure a lot of fun is had as we learn to navigate the bow valley's alpine waterways.

The 8 sessions of the course are done over 7 weeks on The same evening per week with the exception of week 2 which will have two sessions. One in the Canmore swimming pool and one outdoors.

The course locations and the content are very predictable in the first half of the course. after the first 5 sessions it will greatly depend on how the group are getting on and what they would like to do more or less of. the timings are usually going to be from 1730 until 2030.

Course itinerary:
>Week one: learn all about our equipment, safe loading and unloading, lifting carrying and launching, how to balance in the boat, how to use the paddle and what we wear for kayaking. (exshaw boat launch)
>Week two 2 (outdoor session): learn how to make the boat go from a to b and ideally back to a again. (this session most likely done at either Seebe or rundle forebay reservoir)
-Week two  (pool session): learn how to flip the thing over. how to empty it of all the water. how to get back in it. how to swim with your gear. etc... 
>Week 3: gain comfort playing games, swimming and tipping over in cold water.
>Week 4: how to paddle in moving water and recognize places to start and stop. introduce eddy turns and ferries across the river. (Seebe, or rundle channel hydro plant in canmore near the engine bridge trail)
>week 5: 40ft waterfall (The rest of the course locations and topics depend on the group)

for all enquiries you can call the Director, Robbie, at:
587 585-8711
or email us at 
[email protected]

Available Session Dates

Session Name Spots Remaining Register
Tuesday evenings, July 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, august 5th 6 Spots

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